2023-24 Cybersecurity Workshop Series – Session 1 (Zoom)


November 17, 2023    
9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Bookings closed


4277 East Road, Elida, Ohio, 45807

Event Type

Session 1: Incident Response Guide and Tabletop Seminar

A good Incident Response Guide (IRG) is required for cybersecurity compliance as well as many cyber insurance carriers. A best practice is to have an IRG in place and review it annually. For this session, attendees will be provided with the best documents needed to gather information prior to the workshop. When attending the workshop, bring your documents to complete the IRG template. This “Make and Take” session is designed to assist you in leaving with a workable guide. Then an IR Tabletop exercise walks you through different scenarios while referencing the IRG.
▪ Incident Response Guide TEMPLATE
▪ IR Tabletop Exercise

NOACSC is partnering with the Ohio Cyber Reserve for this seminar.


Bookings are closed for this event.